Renee Burkinshaw

Renee Burkinshaw

Commercial, innovative, pragmatic, and engaging, Renee has a strong track record as an influential leadership coach, facilitator, and communicator. Renee effectively partners with leaders at all levels from C-Suite through to front line leaders, creating a trust-based environment that enables leaders and their teams to develop and practice an inclusive growth mindset.

Renee has significant experience in delivering solution-oriented outcomes through coaching to address challenges, realise strengths, and foster opportunities. Renee has over a decade of experience in contemporary Human Resources leadership and has proven expertise in organisational change, culture, diversity and inclusion, and employee engagement. 

Renee has a degree in Sociology, post-graduate qualifications in Human Resources and Applied Coaching. She is the Non-Executive Director, Organisation Change and Culture for Scouts NSW, a member of the International Coaching Federation and Certified HR Professional with the Australian Human Resources Institute. She is accredited in a range of psychometric and diagnostic tools, including Life and Group Styles Inventories, The Leadership Circle and Culture Circle, and Team Management Systems.

Renee's vision and commitment is to uplift leadership capability to build safer and inclusive workplaces that enable employees to thrive.