Inspiring people to thrive.

Thrive Stars offers a unique five-lead indicator to future-proof organisations aligned with employee, stakeholder and community expectations. The Thrive Stars offering is unique, providing live data based on real-time feedback to help your organisation to truly THRIVE.

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What make Thrive Stars unique?

Unlike other measures based on employee attraction and retention, our model works on combining employee, community and stakeholder feedback to meet constantly shifting expectations.

Our technology platform provides live data using real-time feedback and allows organisations to integrate important metrics into one place.

Who is Thrive Stars for?

Thrive Stars is for everyone who wants to genuinely move towards a thriving environment. Everyone can benefit, from small to medium enterprises (SMEs) as well as large corporations.

We help you to measure your Thrive score using the five Thrive Stars Pillars - Culture, Inclusion, Wellbeing, Productivity and Sustainability.

  • Culture is the collective heartbeat of an organisation. While you can’t touch it, it can touch you. Culture is something you feel and experience. At the heart of the culture heartbeat are the leaders and therefore leadership and culture can’t be separated.

    Everyone who has worked in an organisation knows the effective power of leadership and its effects on culture, both good and bad. Supportive, inclusive leadership provides the psychological safety for people to take reasonable risks, make mistakes, challenge the status quo and ask for help. The organisations that excel are those that diligently work to develop conscious leaders who boldly embrace sustainable corporate practices and are attuned to human needs and empowering human potential.

    Culture isn’t a nice to do in this modern age, it is a must do. When you look around and watch the actions and behaviours in your company you are observing culture in action. You are seeing the results of what people are thinking. Therefore, it is the role of leaders not only to create a psychologically safe environment for people to be their best, it is also for them to influence their thinking, for it is this thinking that creates those actions and behaviours.

  • Authentic inclusive practice provides a sustainable foundation for creating and maintaining sustained organisational engagement, connection, belonging, and purpose. Effective inclusion is necessary for an organisational culture that can measure improved access to and attracting talent; belonging at work; enhanced organisational reputation; and elevated innovation and diversity of thought.

  • Whilst many workplaces with existing wellbeing programs focus on the physical aspects of wellbeing, it is rarely considered as a strategic advantage in business to have integrated wellbeing programs. The wellbeing equation goes far beyond gym memberships and quit smoking programs and offers businesses an opportunity to thrive using a strategy that focuses on a holistic approach to measuring an organisation’s mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Focusing on wellbeing as part of the strategic plan, automatically has an impact on the traditional measures of sick leave, engagement, bullying and harassment, and mental health leave. Given that most people spend most of their waking hours at work, this Thrive Star measurement looks at how well rounded your organisation is in terms of individual, team and business wellbeing.

  • Productivity is determined by a combination of business metrics and intangible human skills. The business metrics such as turnover, profit, employee engagement etc are easy to measure. The human skills such as compassion, kindness etc are more difficult to measure but just as significant to productivity outcomes.

  • The majority of Executives today believe that sustainability is important in business. That it is actually good business. A sustainable business not only ensures the survival of resources but delivers greater prosperity and designs organisations that last. Sustainability considers all of the stakeholders in your business from the employees, customers through to suppliers in your supply chain.

How can I use the Thrive data?

Thrive data can be used for strategic workforce planning (SWP), people and business strategy, talent acquisition and retention and people engagement plans. Reviewing Thrive data should be an ongoing and regular practice.

We believe organisations can change the world.

Change the organisation and you change the world.

How does Thrive benefit my organisation?

In Australia, 30% loss of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is due to low employee well-being, productivity and engagement levels. Creating a thriving environment can reduce this loss to the organisation.

Reviewing the Thrive data and five pillars together provides the whole picture and allows for developing targeted and effective improvement plans.

Overall, this creates a nation where people are happier, healthier, more connected, and purpose driven.

The problems Thrive Stars can help you to solve

  • Reduce GDP lost through reduced employee productivity

  • Improve employee engagement

  • Improve employee attraction and retention

  • Move towards authentically meeting employee and

  • community expectations

  • Understand key people and performance metrics real-time

Our value proposition

  • Organisations are being drawn towards the aspirations and values of society, to be more than suppliers of goods and/or services, indeed to be a valued participant in society.

  • As such, organisational value will be increasingly co-created by supplier/community relationships as ‘shared value’, with the potential to override traditional supply/demand relationships.

  • For organisations to thrive in this environment, they must understand and evolve with society, co-creating value in order to be agile, increasingly mature in their outlook, and flourish.

  • As ‘sustainability’ claims become more ubiquitous, demands for increased transparency and authenticity will grow.

  • The connection between what organisations stand for and lifestyle related needs will grow – stakeholders must understand both sides of the question: Why is this organisation valued, and why is this customer valued?

  • In addressing the above considerations, no other program aims to connect organisations with changing societal expectations in the way the Thrive Stars process sets out to achieve.

  • Resilient and sustainable organisations will increasingly refer to supply chains and their social/environmental impact, not just the direct impact of the product/service on unmet consumer needs.

  • In an environment of supply scarcity based on consumer demand, and increasing living costs there will be an heightened community expectation placed on efficiency, productivity, waste, and a supportive organisational culture. The expectation is that consumers receive benefits in price reduction and/or they get more for their money.


Thrive Stars is an ecosystem of organisations – a community that supports the thriving of everything within the physical, societal and natural environment.

Thrive Stars are the indicators of the efficacy of the five key elements within that ecosystem.

Currently, it is difficult to obtain real time lead indicators and business intelligence that determine your overall organisational success. These difficulties, combined with the global war for talent, attraction and retention and the rapid change due to the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies, make managing strategic organisational success for leaders an arduous process. Thrive Stars simplifies all of this so that leaders have real time data on the variables that matter.

Most business owners and leaders we support with the Thrive Stars are already measuring some of the indicators using a variety of tools. Many of these measures are isolated, not integrated into one system. Many leaders want to work smarter, measure better and find performance metrics that will provide a point of difference in the market. Thrive Stars allows you to do just this.

Thrive Stars enables organisations to be strategically successful and help to realise their aspirations of wanting to add value and be valued in society.

Want to see how this works?

Meet our team

A group of individual professionals and consultants all with a collective 100 years’ experience in organisations. Together we all saw a real need for an integrated, simple measure for organisations to contribute to the growth of society and the advancement of our nation.

Our Vision:

Inspiring people to thrive

Our Values:

Inclusive – Keep it simple for all
Reverent – Profound respect for life
Generosity – Share everything
Regenerative – Make it better
Optimistic – A bright future

Our Mission:

Empowering organisations to clarify their purpose, and a means to assess their progress against that purpose.

We do this by making doing good business more visible, connecting businesses to their impact on people through data and insights and our purpose: to catalyse and increase Gross National Prosperity (GNP).

Contact us

Are you asking yourself “How can my organisation get involved? How do I learn more? How do I become an investor?” or “How do I start my organisational effectiveness journey?”. If so, please reach out to us.

0432 265 335

PO Box 1204
Newcastle NSW 2300